Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I got some free time and I decided to experiment was is called “patina” on my rusted golok kecik.

- Another alternative method to keep your blade from rusting
- Creates another form of rusty look, but not the bad kind of rust. It's a good kind of rust..
- Creates another form of oxidation to your blade
- To make a fake damascus / pamor effect on your blade. Which is super cool especially for those who don’t have them. Ahaks!

What do I need?:
- Any carbon steel blade
- Vinegar
- Lemons (optional, but in this case i use them- 3 lemons)
- A pail or container good enough to make your blade stand in it
- 2 cloth peg
- A cloth good enough to cover up the entire blade
- Lots of rubber band


Make sure you have a clean carbon steel blade, free from rust. If there is rust, apply wd-40 on the surface of the blade & brush / scrub them with wired brush / steel wool until the rust is clean. Then wash them with soap & warm water. After drying it, you can sandpaper it until it's clear.


Cut all the lemons into 2.


Arrange them on the blade as seen in the photo.


Warp a cloth around the blade with the lemons in cloth just as the same position as seen in STEP 3.. Tie the cloth with rubber bands to secure it tightly. This will also help to keep the lemons from falling off.


Place the blade in a pail or container in a vertical position. Use two cloth peg to hold the blade in position as seen in the photo.
Pour vinegar all over the cloth & make sure the entire cloth is soaked in it. Leave it for 2 hours before you untie it.



Can you see the so-called rust on the blade? That's the main effect from the lemons. If you use vinegar without lemons, you'll have a different effect.

On the other side.

Straight view. Sometimes you can see a "dual" effect as you move the blade in different angle. Awesome..

Straight view from the other side. Looks like I've created a fake Bendosegodo pamor. Hehe..

Look at the rust on the cloth! Ewww.. It stinks too.

The aged looking blade with damascus effect is a beauty indeed.

After the photos were taken, I wash off the rust stuff. You can keep it as it is to maintain a chrome look, it's fine. The pattern won’t wear off if you wash them.

Other methods:
Instead of using lemons & vinegar you can try mustard, coke, tomatoes, various sour pickles & etc. Just be creative.


1 comment:

Strawberry ^ ^ said...

Scary sial....

Why u want to teach this kind of bad thing to the teenagers??

No wonder criminal getting worst nowadays...