Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just A Smart Tadpole

At times I think it’s just a cliché when my boss said “When people asked me ‘What makes your company successful? Why is it different? It it because of your business plans and strategies?’, I said ‘No. It’s the people that makes the difference.’” Nice…

I think it’s normal for any rising and growing young hot blooded people to pursue knowledge. Learning more, knowing more and discovering more partly because it’s natural for any of us to stay ahead in some ways or another. People may not realise it as it doesn’t need to be any big important things. Be it the achievement of eating the latest pizza restaurant in town or the achievement of being an important figure that earns the respect of others. Without realising, unconsciously people try to be on top of whatever-mountain there is to be. As time goes by, we think we’ve accumulated a somewhat commendable knowledge and experience which we think Mr. Knows-It-All deserve a pat on the back. Nothing wrong. People do deserve some kind of recognition and accolade for sharing valuable knowledge to which is for the betterment of mankind. But what’s wrong is when people think it all ends at there. Not exactly- at least for me. I realise how small I am. How much more there is to learn just as how the ocean cover the face of the earth. It’s impossible to contain everything. A head that’s so big all filled up with knowledge and it grows bigger and bigger, leaving the heart not expanding and finally ended up like a useless tadpole. I find myself knowing lesser when I’ve learned more.

1 Corinthians 1:26-27

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